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My future is connected with ecology

No place for trash

Ecological fairy tale

Once there was the Garbage. It was ugly and angry. Everybody talked about him. A garbage appeared in the city because the people started throwing away cardboard boxes, paper, plastic and glass bottles, can and tins, plastic containers and packages,  food waste. Some people threw candy wrappers everywhere.The garbage was very proud of the fact that his possessions were everywhere: in every home and every yard.  The Garbage enjoyed it. Then the garbage became big and strong.

Near the city there lived a Wizard. He loved the clean city. One day he looked at the city, and was very upset. There were candy wrappers, paper, plastic cups everywhere.

The Wizard called his assistants: the Cleanliness, the Neatness, the Order. And he said , " You see what the people have done. Let's clean up this town!" They took brooms, scoops, rakes and began to remove all the garbage from the streets. They worked and sang a song:

Hey, this world’s a dying planet
Nothing matters, nothing’s won
I have come to seek revenge
For all that you have done...
The Garbage saw that Cleanliness was going around the city. It said, " Hey, Trash, hold on - better do not fight with us!»

The garbage was terrified. It cried out: "Oh, don't touch me! Where  can  I go?" The Neatness, the Cleanliness and the Order  looked at him as stricktly as he started to run away from the town saying: "Well, I'll find myself a shelter, and I`ll be back".

Finally, the city was clean. The Cleanliness and the Accuracy wanted to recycle all the garbage. The Cleanliness said, " This paper is not a garbage.  People can make new notebooks and textbooks out of it," and placed old newspapers, magazines, cardboard in a container for paper.

The Order added: "We can give food waste to animals and birds and feed them. The rest of the food waste will be taken to food waste containers. And glass, empty jars and glassware will be placed in a container for glass".

Then the Order continues: "Plastic cups and bottles won't be thrown away. Plastic will be new toys for the kids."

So our wizard and his assistants brought order to the city, taught people to protect natural resources and explained, that to maintain cleanliness is enough not to throw litter.